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Community Referrals
Guaranteed Ad-Returns
Zero Upfront Cost

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Sharing = Caring

appeAR simplifies word of mouth advertising by uniquely implementing Augmented Reality toward enhancing interactions throughout real-world social networks

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The Platform for Social Discount Applications

create and distribute deals to customers and, through them, relevant social circles

encourage customers to "sweeten the deal," by sharing their offers with peers,

to earn even better offers, with the added magic of "pearsona-lized" AR!

A Revolutionary AR Platform
Designed for Vendors of All Sorts
To Combat (B)Ad-Tech Monopolies

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Privacy by Design

Trusting people above algorithms entails respecting user privacy and the right to be free from digital harassment, especially targeted ads.

Sustainability in Practice

Our unique implementation of p2p, locally rendered AR experiences, alongside our privacy-friendly business model, absolves the need to waste computation toward bombarding users with promotional content they actively try to avoid.

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Efficiency at Implementation

Effectively reach target audiences from the get-go, without having to pilot hypothetical ad-campaigns and experiment with SEOs for success.

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